Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Dual Wandboard PCI-Express Connector Complete

The Wandboard PCI-Express adpater is complete! I'm in the process of building a new kernel that supports the PCI-Express RC and Endpoint to start testing the Freescale i.MX6 Quad PCI-Express capabilities.

Here are some photos of the completed board with two Wandboards attached! In the last photo you can see our (now slightly diminished) Wandboard cluster. We are waiting for another five Wandboards to make it 40 cores but no suppliers seem to have stock at the moment...


  1. Hi!

    I saw that you changed the footprint for that JAE connector, Can I ask (nicely, and kindly) to you share the new one ?

    I'm trying to put together one footprint capable of accommodating both (JAE 314-310B[1,2]) and the Foxconn too (that is equal to JAE 314-310B1 but with too low profile and clearance for wandboard).

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Carlos, I'll share it soon! What are you using it for?

  2. Hi.
    What OS will you use for this mini-server solution?
    Where the photo of the dark side?=)
    Thank, you!
