Monday, 8 September 2014

Hands on the New Nvidia TegraK1

Setup to Measure Power Consumption of the TegraK1

I have been benchmarking the Nvidia TegraK1 on our new Jetson development board for the past few days. I am still busy putting together all the results (mostly of the Cortex-A15 r3p3 and not the GPU, just yet) and will post them soon. In the mean time here are some pics of the setup for fun.

Using a small PCB with a 0.01 Ohm resistor (Designed and Built by Mitch) to measure power consumption of the entire board.
If you look closely you can see the results in excel :P (Actually you can't it's showing the Odroid sheet in my excel spreadsheet lol)

Sneak Peak

A quick sneak peak of the power measurements. I used HPL to stress test the boards at different frequencies and measured power consumption. The boards are:
  1. Cortex-A7 = Cubieboard2
  2. Cortex-A9 = Wandboard
  3. Cortex-A15-r3p2 = Odroid XU+E
  4. CortexA15-r3p3 = Jetson TK1

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